Wednesday 22 August 2012


Took a stab at light sourcing today, i will put a picture up shortly but i honestly don't know how i feel about it yet, it didn't turn out perfect and depending on how i look at it the effect works for the most part, i just not sure if it is screwing up my Fig or not. I guess its practise, and with some more perhaps i will get even better at it.
   On another note i have commissioned work work from Slapdashminis to get a custom Death guard Hell Talon attack fighter built the works in progress so far are looking really good. more to follow

Thursday 16 August 2012


For the last 3-4 years I have had this giant box of bits on sprues that i hadn't got around to detaching, a banker box actually, overflowing.  I actually spent the afternoon clipping and watching "the Last Samurai". that the little pile that i generated. the good news its all done finally, the bad: what i thought was sprues of guardsmen turned out to be sprues of guardsmen WITHOUT ANY LEGS. so thanks Eric.

First Of The New Breed

Finally finished up the first test deathguard, i was thinking about trying out lighting effect on this guy as i like how the plasma charger/coil/light dohickey turned out on him, but I don't want to fuck up his face as I haven't had a lot of practise at it yet.


Just a quick one for those that care this is me getting my ass handed to me a few months back at miniwargaming, awesome store and the atmosphere is fantastic there.


(building anyways)

I finally got some work done on all my nurgle kits this week, after thinking about it long and hard i decided on the current set up for my Terminator Bodyguard for Typus:

Terminator Champion with Lightning Claws, attacking on a a higher initiative step to clear out rank and file with his high attacks (5 on the charge), he is not awful in a challenge but suffers against other 2+ save units. 

 three other terminators
chainfist and combi- melta for my anti-vehicle
the other two are combi flamers and power fists which combined with the heavy flamer guy makes for 2d3 S4 flamer hits and D3 S5 if someone decides to assault them. ( heavy flamer is finished and shown elsewhere)
This unit is not a power house by any means but combined with an Icon of Nurgle for toughness 5, with a 2+/5++ they are a extremely resilient unit that are capable of dealing with multiple types of threats. In my last few games they have even managed to blunt a death company death star with chaplain and librarian, and a grey knight draigo/paladin death star. typus deals with characters effectively while the others absorb the unit. lucky? maybe but I am enjoying them none the less.


Yes i know GW says they don't exist, but i have the minis to prove it!! these are my "proxy" for chaos space marine havoc's, since Deathguard fluff says they are infantry based and didn't use heavy weapons, it makes sense to me that they would outsource mercs for the jobs they wouldn't care to do, and naturally any mercs working with them, will start to feel a little sick....

the bottom line is I have a thing about old OOP pieces like this and i want to use them, I have the two finished and will have to finish up the rest, plus i have to decide on two more heavy weapons for them as well, so if anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Thursday 9 August 2012


After what seems like forever I have recieved several ordered Items this week.

Forge World Death guard Sorcerer has arrived i got him assembled and based up, but i had to make significant use of my trusty "resin Lighter" to get him to have a straight spear and nice cape.  at one point he caught fire a little bit lol. however now he is based up and ready to lead my Death Guard.

My long awaited collectors piece has finally arrived as well a palanquin of nurgle, i haven't started finishing the assembly because i haven't decided on how to base my nurgle fantasy army yet. I am also having a hard time with which rider to use. part of my wants to just magnetise them and the base so that i can switch him whenever I feel like it, but i hate to do that to such and old and sweet mini.

A combination of Several things made me decide to paint up this guy, who is still a work in progress. A Friend was in need of a Tech marine proxy when he forgot his for a game at my place, poking around he found this guy on a shelf and decided to use him, he actually offered to buy it as he liked the conversion work. I didn't sell him as I tend not to sell the limited models that i actually do conversion work on. Secondly the rumours over at point to a war smith character type in the new chaos space marine codex. While i don't normally play Iron Warriors, I have read the Storm of Iron book several dozen times over and have planned to have a small detachment of them in my collection for my undivided forces.
This guy still needs a layer or two of highlights, his base completed and his hammer is completely untouched. But i will finish him up shortly.